NINEFEB celebrates anniversary

Our employees have been supporting you with their broad range of know-how for 10 years now. For us, this is a reason to celebrate! Review the last decade with us and visit our virtual in-house exhibition from June 20-24, 2022.

In our 3-part newsletter series you will get insights into our past decade, our visions for the next decade and our team! As part of our virtual in-house exhibition, you can take a closer look at our services and attend interesting talks. Please note that the online event will be hosted in German.

Join us on a journey through time and see how NINEFEB became your reliable partner in technical documentation!

It all started in 2012.

Europe is reeling from the euro crisis, and the new Berlin Brandenburg Airport is set to open. The Mayan calendar ends its time recording, and many believe the end of the world is near.

In the world of technical documentation, the MRL (2006/42/EC) continues to cause anxiety among manufacturers and operators. In many companies, technical documentation is seen as a “necessary evil”, an obligatory and costly concomitant. The job description of the technical writer is still completely unknown in Austria and the market for documentation service providers is in its early stages.

NINEFEB Technical Documentation GmbH is founded through a management buy-out. From this, a group of companies emerges that offers “everything from a single source” in the field of technical documentation and whose success is based on these values:

  • Innovative
  • Tackling
  • Flexible

The mission is: Turn information into knowledge and thus make technology tangible!

In the following years, the world of technical documentation changes. NINEFEB focuses on customer benefits, problem solving and orientation towards the customer’s value creation process.

  • Maintenance and downtimes should be reduced.
  • The scope and presentation of information should be adapted to the needs of the user.
  • Differentiation from competitors should be achieved.

NINEFEB increasingly relies on text-reduced documentation and the use of 2D and 3D graphics as well as animations. Simple language and translation-oriented writing are also important keywords. For our customers, the topics of after-sales, training and knowledge management are gaining in importance.


 The year is 2022!

The Covid 19 pandemic and the Ukraine war are holding the world in suspense. Our lives, priorities and daily work have been changed. Illness-related cancellations, quarantine rules and travel restrictions have created major challenges for companies.

Many technological developments have become an important part of our everyday lives and have also changed the expectations of users. Information should be available at all times, prepared in a context- and target group-oriented manner, single-sourced, multimedia-based, and retrievable on any end device. The desire for situation-specific assistance and information search à la Google continues to grow.

This has also changed the requirements for technical documentation. The focus is on supporting users in performing their tasks, and technical documentation is seen as an important medium for increasing efficiency, especially in the service sector. A well-designed range of technical information creates opportunities for location-independent service support and improves the quality of service work. Training is increasingly performed “on the job”. Information and instruction are merging, and as a result, eLearning in technology is becoming a crucial tool.

Register here for our virtual in-house exhibition!